A few weeks ago, it rained like hell in SF. Like for two weeks straight. That’s a lot of rain. With rain in the forecast this Friday, I figured I would show you all how I deal with rain in SF. And this loose guide doesn’t have to be for just SF, but rather for any rain in any city.
First thing’s first, you need to invest in high quality rain boots. Whether those be of the tall variety or the short variety, they need to be high quality. This is one mistake I made when moving to SF, I brought my mock Hunters, and the rubber eventually ripped, leaving me with a sopping right foot.
The next thing you I suggest purchasing is a cute umbrella. This one I stole from my friend Kevin Lessy of the blog , but that’s cause it was cuter than mine. And what better way to see your face/outfit in the rain than a clear umbrella?!
The final thing I suggest getting is a trench coat or dress. This trench dress I bought a while ago, but I like it more than a trench coat because you can wear it inside the office and still have the chicness of the coat.
Hope this gives you all enough ideas to survive in the rain and look cute while doing it! And always remember April showers bring May flowers 🙂
Thanks to the wonderful Melissa de Mata for the photos. If y’all haven’t checked out her site, I suggest you do so!
Much love,
Wallet by Haakinson V.
KatWalkSF says
This look and these photos are fabulous! I remember seeing them on your insta feed!
Thanks Kat! I just posed about them on my Insta again 🙂