If you’re anything like me, you are so busy you barely have any time to sleep let alone conquer the lower tasks on the end of your to-do list. And often these tasks are the things that you actually want to do. One such task for me is redecorating my living room and finding artwork for the now blank walls. I’ve wanted to decorate for a long time, but between my full-time job, friends, traveling and blogging, I just haven’t had time. So when Hamlet approached me, an app centered around buying home goods and getting interior design advice over text, I was thrilled to get the extra help in this area.
I texted my stylist asking for help on picking out some items I want for redecorating: a throw pillow and some wall art. She asked me to send some inspiration pieces or describe what style I was going for. I told her my style was bohemian-chic and I was looking for a throw pillow. After a few shots, she hit the nail on the head with a lovely fern print pillow that I was just what I was looking for. We then did the same with artwork, and found a beautiful fern print from Rifle Paper Co. and an amazing print of a beach in Wakiki (I think she could tell I was going for the whole beach theme).
I still need a few more pieces to add to the collection before hanging them on my wall, but for now I think they look good all perched on my desk. I added the beach print to above my dresser in my bedroom, but I would like to have a collage of prints for the living room. Perhaps I will need to use Hamlet again to find some more! Y’all should check it out when you have time (to save you some)! To get a better idea of how their service works, here’s a snapshot of my conversation with Hamlet:
If any of you try the service, let me know in the comments below how you liked it!
Great design! I love it!